Comparison of CHS Single Beam data
OMG Hydrocamp 2004 Multibeam

in Longreach N.B.

These images show CHS single beam soundings that were overlapped by the multibeam data. The colours represent the difference in chart depth between the two files.

The following command was used: (to establish order)
differ -stats -2 2 0.05 -xplot -first longreach_em3000.r4 -second longreach_ascii.r4 -out longreach_differ.r4

The minimum and maximum of the histogram space is -2m to +2m and the statistical results are shown at the bottom of this page.

For a systematic look at the largest differences go to the 95% Comparison Page

OMG software was of course used for the processing of the the data and the fancy imagery was made using Imagemagick.

(More to come...)

The following sun illuminated images show the relative topography of the two areas.

The following animated image is similar data as the first reference images but the histogram has been scaled. The scaling makes it easier to see the larger differences (shown as white) at the tails of the histogram. The reason for this is to show the correlation between the survey direction and the sign of the difference between the single beam and multibeam data.

mean : -0.039654
avdiff : 0.219664
stdv : 0.359944
stdv2 : 0.362121
95pc 0.719887 0.724242 : NZ Orders 0.269547 0.404320 0.539094 0.673867

January 31, 2005 -- steveb at