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Extraction RV Celtic Explorer Cruise CE17-01 Chief Scientist: Kevin Sheehan, MI July 22nd to August 6th 2017 |
John E. Hughes Clarke Anand Hiroji Jose Cordero Ros Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping University of New Hampshire |
L033 - NIGHTTIME 3 bands of data with MVP dips superimposed L037 - DAYTIME |
L033 - NIGHTIME extraction - but showing two horizons. L037 - DAYTIME |
>CE17_01/EK60/Filtering_Sections/there are a number of scripts, all of which are built around a simple command line tool called r4filter (in ~/code/grid):
>r4filterNote box dimensions should always be odd (5x1 or 3x21 etc..).
Usage : r4filter -box 5 (odd) or -xbox 7 -ybox 1
(-high or -low)
(-ignore 8bitval)
floatfile filterfile
> r4filter -xbox 3 -ybox 15 -low -ignore 0 test_image test_image.filt_low_03x15this would run a 3x15 box car low pass filter through image "test_image" and write the output to image : "test_image.filt_low_03x15". Note the "-ignore" value is an 8bit value that is considered to not be part of the image.
> jview test_image.filt_low_03x15which will allow you to see that image - or if you want to compare two images:
> jview test_image test_image.filt_low_03x15pull out a zoom window with the left mouse button. And then toggle between the two images using the "Y" key. If you want to see a larger areas (max 800x800 is the default) add -maxsub 2000 to the command line:
>jview test.image -maxsub 2000
> stretchacres -low 100 -high 200 -in test_image.filt_low_03x15 -pgm -out test_image.filt_low_03x15.pgmThis does a linear stretch on the greyscale (all pixels with a value below 100 are black and all pixels above 200 are white and the greyscale changes linearly between 100 and 200). The image is output into a pgm (portable greymap) and then you can look at it using either:
> xv test_image.filt_low_03x15.pgmor
> eog test_image.filt_low_03x15.pgmif you want to convert the image to another format, just use :
> convert test_image.filt_low_03x15.pgm test_image.filt_low_03x15.jpg
>Do_Filter_Combinations L024 038kHzThis just runs with two arguments (line_# and freq) and jview will pop up and you can compare the same section viewed with a wide range of high and low pass filters. A sub-window will pop up of the detail of the section. You can use the left arrow and right arrow keys to pan back and forth along the section. To jump between all the filtered versions of the same image, either click on the name in the map selection window or use the "Y" and "T" keys in the image window to go forward or back.
>Do_Custom_Filter_One_Freq L009 018kHzas you can see it requires two arguments - the Line_# (L0XX) and the choice_of_frequency (one of "018kHz", "038kHz" or "120kHz"). It does the two most useful filters from the previous introduction (11x11 low pass and 01x17 high pass) and then does them sequentially. It pops up the 4 views in jview so that you can take a look.
>Do_Custom_Filter_All_Three_Freqs L009 YY ZZ (try 11 17 initially)The results are now automatically converted into three colour images and combined together with an RGB version of the original data. It pops up in front to you using eog. From that you can get an idea of whether you are tracking the thermocline adequately.