These data have been processed completely outside the approved Federal
Government charting stream. Within the Canadian Hydrographic Service,
these same data are curretly being subjected to a rigorous Quality
Control and Assurance program. This has involved extensive editing of
the bathymetric data (the backscatter data has not been handled by them
to date). Only data released by the CHS (when they choose to do so)
should be taken as the authorative navigational surface.
In contrast, the bathymetric surfaces, generated here, have utilized
totally automated data handling processes which are generally
insensitive to occasional outliers. There exist, however, regions in
which the multibeam sonar systems have been grossly mistracking. These
false and misleading data, at this time, remain in the presented
products. As such, the surfaces herein should be used
only for
geomorphic interpretation.
While the backscatter data has been handled in a similarily automated
manner, it is hard to run aground on BS. Nevertheless, those
attempting to utilize the presented backscatter data for any purpose
that involves liability should realise that these data are presented
without absolutely any guarantee of reliability.