Beafort Sea Basemaps Information |
Basemap Series
The data collected by several platforms is presented in the form of basemaps, with each map covering 2' of latitude and 4' of longitude. Data are gridded at a resolution of 2 metre. For perusal via the web portal, images are created in which depths are colour coded (based on the range of depths in the mapsheets) and the terrain is sun-illuminated. Grid files are available for download in ESRI grid format (.flt and .hdr files for each mapsheet, downloaded as a zipped .tgz archive file).
Map Projection
The Mercator projection is used for the Basemap series of mapsheets. Pro Lat 73N, Proj Long -180
Horizontal datum: WGS84
Vertical datum: Vertical reduction of with the WebTide model.
For more information, please contact Pim Kuus.
Last modified: July 21st, 2010, by P.Kuus