OMG Software

Our source code and software is available as a set of zipped tar archives from this website. Check back often for updates. Each update will have a small description of significant changes since the last update to help you decide if you need to update.

After downloading, the files can be unzipped/unpacked as such:

	tar -zxvf code_20060615.tgz
	tar -zxvf local_20060615.tgz
This will create the directories 'code_20060615' and 'local_20060615' in your current directory. You may have to rename them or change your path, depending on your setup. Once unpacked, you can remove the .tgz files.

Note that binaries are compiled with gcc 4.1.2 in a XUbuntu 7.06 environment and you will likely have to recompile for your own environment. You can do this by jumping into the newly unzipped code directory and running the "compile_every_gd_thing" script. It will make a new "local" directory for you and let you know of any errors that occurred during compile.

Required development packages (for an Ubuntu installation), fire up 'synaptic', search for these packages and install them.

Once you've compiled everything, you'll need to update your path to point to the local/linux/bin subdirectory. If you plan on doing modifications, you'll also need to set a few environment variables to point to the local directory. Examples for both of these are shown below for tcsh and bash environments. Don't forget to change 'jonnyb' or 'garret' to your username.

tcsh environment bash environment
# Set your path this way
set path = (. ./bin ~/bin $systempath)
set path = (/home/jonnyb/local/linux/bin $path)

# The minimum required environment variables
setenv LOCALLIB /home/jonnyb/local/linux/lib
setenv LOCALBIN /home/jonnyb/local/linux/bin
setenv LOCALOBJ /home/jonnyb/local/linux/obj
setenv DEVELOPMENT_HOME /home/jonnyb
setenv CCOMPILER "gcc -m32"
# Set your path this way
export PATH=$PATH:.:/home/garret/local/linux/bin

# The minimum required environment variables
export LOCALLIB=$HOME/local/linux/lib
export LOCALBIN=$HOME/local/linux/bin
export LOCALOBJ=$HOME/local/linux/obj
export CCOMPILER="gcc -m32"