# useCMG -test $1 -v | grep -v extracted | \ grep -v "working on" | sed -e 's/:/ /g' | awk '{printf("%.5f %.2f %.1f %s\n", $2+$3/24+$4/1440+$5/86400,$9-$14,$16, $17);}' | \ sed -e 's/-//' | awk '{if ($2 > 300) {print $1, 360 - $2, $3, $4} else {print $_} }' | sort -n >! junk.dat # this set values to zero if speed was under 6 knots #awk '{if ($3 < 6) {print $1,0,0} else {print $_} }' | sort -n >! junk.dat echo 'Working on: '$1 # this prints time (decimal JD days), heading difference (black), and speed over ground (red) #xmgr -nxy junk.dat ./mk_plot_load.conf $1 cat plot_load.conf | gnuplot #echo `echo $1 | sed -e 's/\./ /' | awk '{print $1}'`'.png' convert `echo $1 | sed -e 's/\./ /' | awk '{print $1}'`'.png' `echo $1 | sed -e 's/\./ /' | awk '{print $1}'`'.gif' rm `echo $1 | sed -e 's/\./ /' | awk '{print $1}'`'.png' #display `echo $1 | sed -e 's/\./ /' | awk '{print $1}'`'.gif' cat junk.dat >> all_solutions.dat