
We will process the Oceanographic data in another folder then the Multibeam. A lot of work consists of breaking the data up in sectors and making a box header for each sector. After that it is just a case of running the scripts from last year. Remind what Pim said.. It migh be needed to add some extra flavour to the scripts...


Make a folder called Oceanography
In that folder make a folder raw,
In the folder raw make a folder *_April_section01
In the folder *_April_section01 make four folders called adcp, k200, k28 and mvp

In the folder mvp put the raw *.m1 files

In the folder k28 put the raw 28kHz file

In the folder k200 put the raw 200kHz file

In the folder adcp put the raw adcp file

  1. Process the data
  2. Make a boxheader
  3. Run all scripts
  4. Make an animated gif for temperature and salinity..

Unravel the 28/200 kHz data

Here's an unravel script to unravel 28/200 kHz data

Make a boxheader

A chart of the area can be found here... *.reg

Jview 4116.reg -point -vector svp.coords -pickrot

Jview 4116.reg -navlook raw/29_April_sectionA/k200/*.nav -pickrot

-pickrot makes a boxheader
Right mouse click centres
+/- rotates the boxheader
Left and right arrow key control the length of the boxheader
Up and down arrow key control the width of the boxheader
N makes a new boxheader
Simply click exit and the boxheader will be saved
With middle mouse click you can select a boxheader

Download scripts






Run Script

do_K200_2008_withTide subfolder_name area_name draft

do_MVP_2008_withTide subfolder_name area_name draft

do_ADCP_2008_withTide subfolder_name area_name draft

do_K28_2008 subfolder_name area_name

Make an animated gif

You can make an animated gif by putting all the gif's of one sector after each other. We can do that by using the convert command. Use always -loop 0, and change the delay to the value which is best for you.. then you give the names of all the gifs (easiest is making a script, or double click on the name and paste it on the commandline) as last you give it the name to where you want to output it to.

convert -loop 0 -delay 100 *.gif *.gif output.gif