auke - march 2009

#1  Log Cnav2050 data

has to be updated!!

#2 Patch test


# 3 Sail cross lines


#4 Starting up

  1. Turn Knudsen outlet switch off by skipper
  2. Make sure skuzzy cables are connected
  3. Turn both knudsens on
  4. Start heron 1 and 2
  5. Start transceiver
  6. Start SIS computer

#5 Saving stuff

#6 Arctic 2008 Setting notes (according to JHC) 

#7 Extra notes


6.   #8 ADCP

  1. Connect the two adcp serials (adcp + fish) to serial port on Heron 2. Fish port is up (GPS) com 3, ADCP serial is down (com 4)
  2. Start the ADCP data collection software “Aquire” from all programs/RD instruments/aquire
  3. The previous display should come up, if not, load the saved configuration file. (To view the data online “display only”. Go to view menu and select required plots or you can load a configuration file saved as “faisal”from file menu/configuration.
  4. Make sure the clock is sync. (1. Change PC time, 2. Set ADCP clock from acquire menu / set ADCP clock.
  5. After recording data, the format must be converted to ASCII format so it can be processed.
  6. To convert: open “playback”from RD Instruments/playback
  7. When done/unhook the two ADCP serial port. This important for next survey day as the mouse for Heron 2 acts funny