At 1800 GMT a third scow was sighted and 5 more
runs were carried out again where we ran in directly behind the scow for
the first pass. As before, based on the 200 and 600kHz real-time imaging,
we lengthened or shortened or repositioned the line to try and profile along,
what appeared to be, the centre and extent of the immediate dump plume.
To the left one can see the navigation tracks. All data is presented,
projected laterally onto the long axis of the rectangle plotted over the
navigation. Data is shown herein plotted steaming from inshore to offshore.
To the right one can see all the profiles of optical backscatter (raw
millivolts units). This allows one to see the trends of the data, the typical
range of the data during this specific experiment. What is again, of course
most apparent is that the data were clipping at ~ 4600mV unfortunately.