Final product

So far we have unraveled the raw data and did some QC-ing in swathed. In the previous part we already made a temporary dtm to aid during the cleaning process. In this chapter the final steps to making a bathy dtm or backscatter image are described.
The chart production process is different for bathymetry and backscatter. It even requires some different commands for Resonor Simrad data.


You might have noticed while making your temporary dtm that it reaches a large size as your looking at a big dataset. In such a case it is better to use a larger pixel size (as it is only used for cleaning interpretation this may not harm to much), or decide to partition the dataset in smaller areas. The latter is more feasible cause the file size is limited though you' ll keep good grid resolution (e.g. 1x1m). This is done by making so called Box headers.

My approach is to first make a mapsheet of the complete area and create the box headers (=smaller areas). I decide to use the navigation track to get a feeling of the area's of interest, so the pixel size of the mapsheet won't dominate and subsequently the file size wont exceed. (I assume you already have the boundaries of the complete data set, other wise:
I) make_blank
The program asks for the data type, either floating point or 8bit. A floating point data type is used for bathymetry. A 8bit number ranges from 0 to 255 (28=256) and are used to represent the grey level values for backscatter data.
For our case choose floating point array (2).
Use a fair big pixel size like 25 or so.

II) Box.header Now select your box headers and view the navigation track:

To enable the pickrot function you first need to have a subarea opened, zo just zoom in somewhere. With the right mouse button you can place the box. Scale it with the left and right arrow keys and rotate it with '+' and '-'. Choose a new box with 'n', exit when your done.

If you look at the list now you'll see it created several Box.headers:
Create dtm's of each area in the box header. We do this with the make_blank, tor4, weigh_grid and addSUN functions.

If you want to change a projection, ellipsoid or whatever, use the edhead command (edit header):
III)r4 weigh_grid addSUN Create the r4:
....and fill it with bathy data:
Get a sun illuminated to:
This default uses 315 degrees azimuth, you can change it with the -azi xxx option.
Look at the results so far:
To reach a better contrast stretch the color range over the color bar. Hit 'h' for histogram while pointing with the mouse on the mapsheet. You'll notice the histogram in the color bar, stretch it with the left an right mouse buttons. Make notes of the greylevel values (only for sun image). Do the addSUN again and provide the greylevel range:
IV)mix_ci Combine the colors with the sun illumination with mix_ci (color intensity). The mix_ci command needs 8bit images, a sun-file is an 8 bit (values ranging between 0-255 remember) but the r4 has floating point values. Thus we need to convert those to a 8bit image:
It creates dtm_name.8bit. NOTE, use the command without the .r4 extension!

View the result with:

V)adding contours
Add som contours with the following commands.
First smooth the grid to achieve smooth contours: Now make the contours:
You can view the result with:
With the import command you can make an image of the dtm with contours, for example:

Get a example of a script here. Remember, it may need some tweaking from yourself.



I have'nt got my hands dirty on backscatter too much, so this section is a long term plan. Though if your really desperate you can find some notes here.



back 2)
Gridding and cleaning

Last modified: 23-07-'06, Pim.